
The Work of My Students

The art and design work included in these portfolios was completed by my students over the last six years, in the courses listed below.  These were instructed at New York Institute of Technology, Bahrain and Jordan campuses, The Ukrainian National University, ‘Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’, and The National University, ‘Kyiv Mohyla Academy’.   I was a visiting Fulbright professor at the last two and a full-time teaching professor and program administrator at N.Y.I.T..  * Lon Kaufmann

Computer Graphics II – Print DesignWeb Design for Social Media; WordPress

Computer Graphics I – Digital Imaging
Computer Graphics III – Web Design
Web Design and E-Commerce
Digital Photography
Sculpture; Assemblage with Wood, Metal
Printmaking; Linocut, Monoprint

* Click the thumbnail image below to view each gallery slideshow.