
Listen Closely

Photo Montages

Digital Icons; Expressions of Belief

These montaged images were created using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. The series blends the Eastern Orthodox tradition of icon painting with the graphics style of modern advertising.  In Icon Painting geometry and non-Rennaissance perspective and a dense, didactic storytelling format is common.  For an excellent exploration of this topic see Egon Sendler’s “The Icon;Images of the Invisible”.  For the roots of advertising design search El Lissitzky’s posters of the 1920’s.  An online brochure explaining the themes in the exhibit, “Expressions of Belief” is located at this link.  ‘Expressions of Belief Exhibit’.

Ho Topos

A related theme runs through this older series of montaged photos. The title of the series, ‘Ho Topos’, references American painter Mark Rothko’s comments about Byzantine church interiors in Ravenna, Italy.  In Greek it means, ‘Saints in Glory’. The method for composing the images used non-digital, traditional chemical darkroom methods.  Medium format color negatives were layered, enlarged, and printed using the Ilford Ilfo(Ciba)-Chrome chemistry process.


Photo montages created using Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Digital Icons in 'Expressions of Belief' Exhibit

    Digital montages, reverse UV Inkjet printed on 10mm acrylic
    at Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • Полна славы ; ' All is Full of Glory....'

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief', UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • Полна славы ; ' All is Full of Glory....'; Stars, Galaxies

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief', UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • Полна славы ; ' All is Full of Glory....'; closeup

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief', UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • Полна славы ; ' All is Full of Glory....', close-up

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief', UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • Полна славы ; ' All is Full of Glory....', close-up

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief', UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • Полна славы ; ' All is Full of Glory....', close-up

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief', UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • Полна славы ; ' All is Full of Glory....', close-up

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief', UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • При-Дивіть-ся; 'Look Closely!'

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief' exhibit, UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm, credits; NASA/Hubble,
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • При-Дивіть-ся; 'Look Closely!'; Crown

  • При-Дивіть-ся; 'Look Closely!', close-up of Lamb, Sufi Heart, Locust

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief' exhibit, UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • При-Дивіть-ся; 'Look Closely!', YouTube Rabbi Kaduri

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief' exhibit, UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • При-Дивіть-ся; 'Look Closely!', close-up, Armies

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief' exhibit, UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • При-Дивіть-ся; 'Look Closely!', close-up, Vishnu Reclines on Sesha Ananata, Serpent 'Creator'

    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief' exhibit, UV Inkjet reverse print
    on 10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm
    Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • При-Дивіть-ся; 'Look Closely!', close-up, Serpent Seraph Nachash

    Serpent Seraph, Mount of Sun god Eli-Heli. From Cairo Museum
    Digital icon in 'Expressions of Belief' exhibit, UV Inkjet reverse print on
    10mm acrylic, 100cm x 95cm, Fulbright Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2012
  • При-Слушайте-сь; 'Listen Very Closely'

    UV Inkjet reverse printed on acrylic, 90cm x 80cm, 2012
    credits; NASA/Hubble
  • При-Слушайте-сь; 'Listen Very Closely'; close-up

    UV Inkjet reverse printed on acrylic, 90cm x 80cm, 2012
    credits; NASA/Hubble
  • Ho Topos 1

    Color film based image printed on Ilfochrome paper, 11" x 14"
  • Ho Topos 6

    Color film based, composite layered, and printed
    on Ilfochrome paper, 11" x 14"
  • Ho Topos 10

    Color film based composite layered, and printed
    on Ilfochrome paper, 11" x 14"
  • Ho Topos 9

    From series 'Ho Topos', Ilfochrome color print,
    layered montage using traditional film/chemical processes
  • Ho Topos 4

    Color film based composite layered, and printed on Ilfochrome paper, 11" x 14"
  • Ho Topos 7

    Color film based composite layered, and printed
    on Ilfochrome paper, 11" x 14"
  • Light and Ducts

    Image built with multtiple strobes and color filters,
    printed on Ilfochrome paper, 11" x 14"

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One Response to Photo Montages

  1. Brian S Fitzgerald September 20, 2013 at 8:07 am #

    Are those very small photos of galaxies hidden in the dirt?

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